I am starting a series of online insights and discussions around my studio practice, making links with what I am currently making, reading and thinking about.
One of my main interests at the moment is colour, and specifically indigo blue.
I have been using some of my time on the CPD course at the Leith School of Art to explore colour and have really been inspired by the workshops we have had, lead by painter Paul Martin. I am aware of how important it is for me for the colour to be in the substance of my work, not on the surface. This has enabled me to reflect on the materials I use, I love porcelain, and its tactile qualities, but am not so happy with glaze on it. I am however, liking the dyes I have permeated through the porcelain, as in ‘Erosion Pools’. This has led me to a curious investigation into natural dyes, and recently to playing with indigo and cloth. The mess, the unexpected results, the alchemy of it all is fascinating and opening up another dimension to explore in my practice.