News for 2015

News for 2015

Forthcoming Events/Exhibitions I am a Finalist in the National Sculpture Prize  exhibition at Broomhill Art and Sculpture Foundation, Broomhill Art Hotel, Devon, running from June 2015 to March 2016. I am exhibiting at Pitlochry Art Walk Festival 20-28th June 2015 I...
Spring in Seville

Spring in Seville

I have been on a 10 week Internship to Seville, in the south of Spain, as part of a ‘Skills for Sustainability’ project, funded by the Leonardo da Vinci European Exchange. I was working at FabLab, a digital design and fabrication workshop at the University...
New Ideas

New Ideas

I have been busy in my studio recently, working on a number of new forms, using maquettes. I have been inspired by drawing, attending a Mindfulness  course and thinking about the concept of uncertainty and how it could be measured. I am also making some smaller...
Bowl Forms

Bowl Forms

A new range of bowls have been made and exhibited over the summer. Made from limecrete , they are suitable for outdoors and have a variety of bases of recycled wood. each one is unique and has an eroded, textured surface, which reminds you of volcanic rock or...
Fabric of the Land exhibition

Fabric of the Land exhibition

I am one of the artists who has been selected for the Fabric of the Land exhibition which opens soon at Aberdeen Universtiy Geology dept. It is part of a series of exhibitions exploring links between art and science.